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ABZU Search Results (632)
Charpin, Dominique.
Le geste, la parole et l’écrit dans la vie juridique en Babylonie ancienne.
dans A.-M. Christin (éd.), Ecritures, Le Sycomore, Paris, 1982, p. 65-73.
Charpin, Dominique.
Le rôle économique du palais en Babylonie sous Hammurabi et ses successeurs.
dans Ed. Lévy (éd.), Le système palatial en Orient, en Grèce et à Rome, Strasbourg, 1986, p. 111-126.
Charpin, Dominique.
Le statut des “codes de lois” des souverains babyloniens.
Le législateur et la loi dans l’Antiquité, Caen, 2005, p. 93-108.
Charpin, Dominique.
Les décrets royaux à l’époque paléo-babylonienne, à propos d’un ouvrage récent.
Archiv für Orientforschung 34, 1987, p. 36-44.
Charpin, Dominique.
Les dieux prêteurs dans le Proche-Orient amorrite (ca. 2000-1600 av. J.-C.).
Topoi 12/13, 2005, p. 13-34.
Charpin, Dominique.
Les divinités familiales des Babyloniens d’après les légendes de leurs sceaux-cylindres.
dans Ö. Tunca (éd.), De la Babylonie à la Syrie, en passant par Mari. Mélanges offerts à Monsieur J.-R. Kupper à l’occasion de son 70° anniversaire, Liège, 1990, p. 59-78.
Charpin, Dominique.
Les édits de restauration des rois babyloniens et leur application.
Cl. Nicolet (éd.), Du pouvoir dans l’antiquité: mots et réalité, Paris-Genève, 1990, p. 13-24.
Charpin, Dominique.
Les mots du pouvoir dans les archives royales de Mari.
Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz 2, 1991, p. 3-17.
Charpin, Dominique.
Lettres et procès paléo-babyloniens.
dans F. Joannès (éd.), Rendre la justice en Mésopotamie, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, Paris, 2000, p. 69-111.
Charpin, Dominique.
Lire et écrire en Mésopotamie: une affaire de spécialistes?.
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 2004, p. 481-508 (paru en 2006).
Charpin, Dominique.
L’akkadien des lettres d’Ilân-surâ.
Reflets des deux fleuves, volume de mélanges offerts à André Finet, Akkadica Supplementum 6, Leuven, 1989, p. 31-40.
Charpin, Dominique.
L’onomastique hurrite à Dilbat et ses implications historiques.
dans M.-Th. Barrelet (éd.), Problèmes concernant les Hurrites 1, 1977, p. 51-69.
Charpin, Dominique.
Manger un serment.
Jurer et maudire: pratiques politiques et usages juridiques du serment dans le Proche-Orient ancien, Méditerranées 10-11, 1997, p. 85-96.
Charpin, Dominique.
Marchands du palais et marchands du temple à la fin de la I° dynastie de Babylone.
Journal Asiatique 270, 1982, p. 25-65.
Charpin, Dominique.
Une figure de la Section: le P. Vincent Scheil (1858-1940).
Conférence d’ouverture de Mme Sophie Démare-Lafont, Paris, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Eudes, Paris, 2002, p. 27-37.
Chartrand-Burke, Tony, 1968-.
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: the text, its origins, and its transmission.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Chase-Dunn, Christopher.
Journal of World-Systems Research,
Fall 2004.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher.
"Review of: The Collapse of Ancient States and Civilizations, edited by Norman Yoffee and George L. Cowgill. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988. 333 pp. Hard cover and paperback editions.".
Contemporary Sociology Review, 1992.
(Book Review)
Chase-Dunn, Christopher.
World State Formation: Historical Processes and Emergent Necessity.
IROWS Working Paper #1.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Alvarez, Alexis; Pasciuti, Dan.
"The Ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian World-Systems".
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Alvarez, Alexis; Pasciuti, Dan.
"Power and Size: Urbanization and Empire Formation in World-Systems".
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Manning, Susan.
City systems and world-systems: Four millennia of city growth and decline.
IROWS Working Paper #7.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Willard , Alice.
Systems of Cities and World-Systems: Settlement Size Hierarchies and Cycles of Political Centralization, 2000 BC-1988 AD.
IROWS Working Paper #5.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Alvarez, Alexis; Pasciuti, Dan.
World-systems in the Biogeosphere: Three Thousand Years of Urbanization, Empire Formation and Climate Change.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Alvarez, Alexis; Pasciuti, Dan.
World-systems in the Biogeosphere:Three Thousand Years of Urbanization, Empire Formation and Climate Change.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Alvarez, Alexis; Pasciuti, Dan; Hall, Thomas D.
The Ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian World-Systems.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Hall, Thomas D.
City and Empire Growth/Decline Sequences in Ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian World-Systems.
Chateaubriand, François-René de (1768-1848).
Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem et de Jérusalem à Paris.
Chauffriat, H..
Préservation et restauration des monuments historiques et oeuvres d’art.
Chauveau, Michel.
Les archives démotiques du temple de Ayn Manâwir.
ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology,
Chavalas, Mark W..
"Terqa and Haradum: A Comparative Analysis of Old Babylonian Period Houses Along the Euphrates".
Cherry, John F.; Davis, Jack L.; Cline, Eric H. with the editorial assistance of Susan Wallrodt and John Wallrodt.
IDAP - International Directory Aegean Prehistorians.
Cheyeny, Melissa.
The 1993 and 1994 Seasons at Umm Al-Jimal 1993: A Cist Burial.
Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan,
Cheyne, T. K. , Black, J. Sutherland.
Encyclopaedia biblica. a critical dictionary of the literary, political and religious history, the archaeology, geography, and natural history of the Bible Vol II, E-K.
Cheyne, T. K.; Black, J. Sutherland.
Encyclopaedia biblica. a critical dictionary of the literary, political and religious history, the archaeology, geography, and natural history of the Bible. Vol I, A-D.
Cheyne, T.K., Black, J. Sutherland.
Encyclopaedia biblica. a critical dictionary of the literary, political and religious history, the archaeology, geography, and natural history of the Bible Vol IV, Q-Z.
Cheyne, T.K., Black, J. Sutherland.
Encyclopaedia biblica. a critical dictionary of the literary, political and religious history, the archaeology, geography, and natural history of the Bible. Vol III, L-P.
Chiera, Edward.
Cuneiform Series, Volume I: Sumerian Lexical Texts from the Temple School of Nippur.
Chiera, Edward.
Cuneiform Series, Volume III: Sumerian Epics and Myths.
1934 (second printing 1964).
Chiera, Edward.
Legal and Administrative Documents from Nippur, chiefly from the dynasties of Isin and Larsa.
Chiera, Edward.
Lists of Personal Names From the Temple School of Nippur. A Syllabary of Personal Names.
Chiera, Edward.
Lists of Personal Names From the Temple School of Nippur. Lists of Akkadian Personal Names.
Chiera, Edward, 1885-1933.
Selected temple accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem.
Chippindale, Christopher and Gill, David.
Looting matters! The material and intellectual consequences of collecting antiquities.
Chippindale, Christopher and Gill, David.
Material Consequences of Contemporary Classical Collecting.
American Journal of Archaeology,
Chippindale, Christopher; David Gill; Emily Salter and Christian Hamilton.
Collecting the classical world: the idea of a quantitative history.
Chippindale, Christopher; Gill, David W. J.
On-line auctions: a new venue for the antiquities market.
Culture Without Context.
Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel Florent Auguste de.
Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce.
Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel Florent Auguste de.
Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce (Band 1).
Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel Florent Auguste de.
Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce (Band 2,1).
Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel Florent Auguste de.
Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce (Band 2,2).
Choksy, Jamsheed K..
"Review of: Josef Wiesehöfer. Ancient Persia: From 550 BC to 650 AD. Translated by Azizeh Azodi. London: I. B. Tauris, distributed by St. Martin‘s, New York. 1998. Pp. xiv, 329. $45.00.".
American Historical Review,
(Book Review)
Chorus: A Resource for Academic and Educational Computing in the Arts/Humanities.
Home Page of Chorus: A Resource for Academic and Educational Computing in the Arts/Humanities.
Choson, Michaël.
La consultation des oracles en Égypte du Nouvel Empire à l'époque chrétienne.
Christiansen, John H.
FACET: A Simulation Software Framework For Modeling Complex Societal Processes And Interactions.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Christiansen, John.
A Practical Approach for Constructing Flexible and Robust Simulations for Complex, Heterogeneous Problem Domains.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Christiansen, John H.
First-Year Project Activities: Design and Implementation of a “Virtual Ancient Mesopotamia” Simulation Software Framework.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Christiansen, John H.
A flexible object-based software framework for modeling complex systems with interacting natural and societal processes.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Christiansen, John H. ; Mark Altaweel.
Simulation of Natural and Social Process Interactions in Bronze Age Mesopotamian Settlement Systems.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Christiansen, John; Altaweel, Mark.
Simulating a Bronze Age City State Under Stress.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Christiansen, John; Altaweel, Mark.
Agent-Based Holistic Simulations of Bronze Age Mesopotamian Settlement Systems.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Christiansen, John; Altaweel, Mark.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems with the ENKIMDU Simulation Framework.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
Christianson, Eric S.
The Big Sleep: Strategic Ambiguity in Judges 4-5 and in Classic "Film Noir".
SBL Forum.
Christopherson, Gary L.
"A Regional Approach to Archaeology on the Madaba Plain: Random Survey and Settlement Patterns".
Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Schools of Oriental Research November, 1997 Napa, California.
Christopherson, Gary L & D. Philip Guertin.
"Soil Erosion, Agricultural Intensification, and Iron Age Settlement in the region of Tall al-'Umayri, Jordan".
Presented At: The Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November, 1995.
Christopherson, Gary L & D. Philip Guertin.
"Visibility Analysis and Ancient Settlement Strategies in the Region of Tall al-'Umayri, Jordan".
Presented At: The Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research New Orleans, Louisiana -- Marriot Hotel November 23-26, 1996.
Christopherson, Gary L. & Larry G. Herr.
Madaba Plains Project: Archaeological Survey Manual.
October 1997.
Christopherson, Gary L.; D. Philip Guertin, & Karen A. Borstad.
"GIS and Archaeology: Using ARC/INFO to Increase Our Understanding of Ancient Jordan".
Presented at: ARC/INFO User Conference, 1996.
Christopherson, Gary L.; Patrick Barabe; Peter S. Johnson.
Using ARCGRID software's Pathdistance Function to Model Catchment Zones for Archaeological Sites on the Madaba Plain, Jordan.
ESRI GIS and Mapping Software: Online Papers on GIS in Archaeology.
Christopherson, Gary L; Entz, Tisha K.
Field Testing ARC GRID-Based Archaeological Probability Models in Jordan.
ESRI GIS and Mapping Software: Online Papers on GIS in Archaeology.
Christopherson, Gary L; Robert G. Boling, Jon A. Cole, David C. Hopkins, Gerald L. Mattingly, Douglas W. Schnurrenberger, & Randall W. Younker.
Summary Descriptions of Archaeological Sites from the Survey at Tall al-'Umayri, Jordan.
Church, Alfred John; Brodribb, William Jackson [ English translation].
The Works of Tacitus.
Churton, Henry Burgess Whitaker.
Thoughts on the Land of the Morning: A Record of Two Visits to Palestine.
CIALOWICZ, Krzysztof M.; CHLODNICKI, Marek; HENDRICKX, Stan (eds.).
International Conference: Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, (Cracow, Poland: 28th August - 1st September 2002): Abstracts of Papers.
Ciho, Miron.
Civilizatia Egiptului greco-roman. Plutarch "Despre Isis si Osiris" [The civilization of Graeco-Roman Egypt. Plutarch "About Isis and Osiris"].
Ciolek, T. Matthew.
Old World Trade Routes (OWTRAD): A Catalogue of Georeferenced Caravanserais/Khans.
Ciolek, T. Matthew.
Old World Traditional Trade Routes Project: Hellenistic countries, 350 BCE, trade routes.
Ciolek, T. Matthew.
Old World Traditional Trade Routes Project: Mediterranean countries, 200 CE, trade routes.
Ciolek, T. Matthew.
Old World Traditional Trade Routes Project: Mediterranean Sea, 130 BCE-200 CE, trade routes.
Ciolek, T. Matthew.
Old World Traditional Trade Routes Project: Middle East, 600 BCE-500 BCE, trade routes.
Ciolek, T. Matthew.
Old World Traditional Trade Routes Project: Persia, 100 BCE, trade routes.
Civil, Miguel.
Individual Scholarship: 1993-94 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Civil, Miguel.
Individual Scholarship: 1994-95 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Civil, Miguel.
Individual Scholarship: 1995-96 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Civil, Miguel.
Individual Scholarship: 1996-97 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Civil, Miguel.
Individual Scholarship: 1997-98 Oriental Institute Annual Report.
Oriental Institute Annual Report,
Civil, Miguel.
Modern Brewers Recreate Ancient Beer.
The Oriental Institute News and Notes.