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ABZU Search Results (449)
De Backer, Fabrice.
North Mesopotamian Jewellery during the Third Millennium B.C.: Some Considerations.
de Bersaques, J.
El obelisco y el dermatólogo: un encuentro.
Revista Internacional de Dermatología y Dermocosmética.
de Caen, Vincent.
Hebrew Linguistics and Biblical Criticism: A Minimalist Programme.
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures,
De Cardi, Beatrice.
Excavations at Bampur, a third millennium settlement in Persian Baluchistan, 1966.
Anthropological papers of the AMNH ; v. 51, pt. 3,
De Clercq, Geeta.
Die Göttin Ninegal/Belet-ekallim nach den altorientalischen Quellen des 3. und 2. Jt. v.Chr. : mit einer Zusammenfassung der hethitischen Belegstellen sowie der des 1. Jt. v. Chr..
De Cosson, Anthony.
Mareotis; being a short account of the history and ancient monuments of the north-western desert of Egypt and of lake Mareotis.
de Genouillac, Gourdon.
Textes de l'époque d'Agadé et de l'époque d'Ur. Tome II.
De Genouillac, H.
La trouvaille de Drehem: Etude avec un choix de textes de Constantinople et Bruxelles.
de Jong, Matthijs Jasper.
Isaiah among the Ancient Near Eastern Prophets : a comparative study of the earliest stages of the Isaiah tradition and the Neo-Assyrian prophecies.
de Jonge, Casper Constantijn.
Between grammar and rhetoric : Dionysius of Halicarnassus on language, linguistics, and literature.
de la Torre, Marta and Margaret Mac Lean.
The Archaeological Heritage in the Mediterranenan Region.
Conservation: The Getty Conservation Inistitute Newsletter.
de Lumley, H. and B. Midant-Reynes (eds.).
CLIMATS-CULTURES-SOCIETES aux temps préhistoriques, de l'apparition des Hominidés jusqu'au Néolothique.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: "Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Museum", Part I, London 1896.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Fatma Yildiz und Tohru Gomi, "Die Umma-Texte aus den Archaeologischen Museen zu Istanbul, Band III (Nr. 1601-2300)" Bethesda, 1993.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: G. Pettinato, "Test economici di Lagas del Museo di Instanbul, Parte I: La. 7001-7600", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico, Vol. VI, Roma 1977 (= MVN 6).
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Giovanni Pettinato, "Test economici neo-sumerici del British Museum (BM 12230-BM 12390)", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico", Vol. XVII, Roma 1993.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: L.W. King, "Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum", Part III, London 1898 (=CT 3).
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: L.W. King, Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets in the British Museum, Part XXXII (= CT 32), London 1912.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Marcel Sigrist, "Messenger texts from the British Museum", Potomac, Maryland, 1990.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Mary Inda Hussey, "Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum - Part II - From the time of the dynasty of Ur", Harvard Semitic Series, Vol. IV, Cambridge (U.S.A.), 1915 (= HSS 4).
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: Tohru Gomi, "Wirtschaftstexte der Ur III-Zeit aus dem British Museum", Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico, Vol. XII, Roma 1982.
de Maaijer, Remco.
Texts from: W.W. Hallo, "Tabulae Cuneiformes a F.M.Th. de Liagre Boehl Collectae, Leidae Conservatae III - Sumerian Archival Texts copied by William W. Hallo" (Leiden, The Netherlands, Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1963 and 1973) = TLB III.
de Maaijer, Remco; Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: Maryse Touzalin, "L'administration palatiale a l'epoque de la Troisieme Dynastie d'Ur: Textes inedites du musee d'Alep", These de doctorat de troisieme cycle soutenue a l'universite de Tours, 1982.
de Maaijer, Remco; Jagersma, Bram.
Texts from: Alexander Uchitel, "Mycenaean and Near Eastern economic archives", University College London - Department of Ancient History, 1985. (Since texts 11-13 are Old-Babylonian, they have not been included).
De Morgan, J. [and others].
Recherches archéologiques: deuxieme série.
Internet Archive,
de Morgan, Jacques.
Carte de la nécropole memphite : Dahchour, Sakkarah, Abou-Sir.
Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée.
de Morgan, Jacques.
Fouilles à Dahchour, mars-juin 1894.
Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée.
de Morgan, Jacques.
Fouilles à Dahchour en 1894-1895.
Bibliothèque numérique de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée.
de Ridder, Alfred.
Catalogue des Vases Peints de la Bibliotheque Nationale.
University of Chicago Libraries, Electronic Open Stacks.
de Roo, Jacqueline C.R..
Was the Goat for Azazel Destined for the Wrath of God?..
de Spens, Renaud.
Droit international et commerce au début de la XXIe dynastie. Analyse juridique du rapport d’Ounamon.
Le commerce en Egypte ancienne,
de Spens, Renaud.
Essai de comparaison sur l’éducation lettrée en Chine et en Egypte ancienne.
Acta Orientalia Belgica,
de Vries, Bert.
"Continuity and Change in the Urban Character of the S. Hauran from the 5th - 9th c. AD: The Archaeological Evidence at Umm el-Jimal.".
de Vries, Bert.
"A late-antique town in its context.".
Umm el-Jimal: A Frontier Town and its Landscape in Northern Jordan. Volume I. Fieldwork, 1972-1981,
de Vries, Bert.
Umm el-Jimal.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East,
de Vries, Bert.
The Umm el-Jimal Project, 1972-1977.
Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan,
de Vries, Bert.
The Umm El-Jimal Project, 1981-1992.
Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan,
de Vries, Bert.
The Umm El-Jimal Project, 1993 and 1994 Field Seasons.
Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan,
de Vries, Bert.
What’s in a Name: The Anonymity of Ancient Umm el-Jimal.
Biblical Archaeologist,
De Vries, K.; Kuniholm, Peter Ian; G. K. Sams; M. M. Voigt.
New dates for Iron Age Gordion.
Antiquity (June 2003) v.77, no 296.
De Winne, Toni.
Overzicht van de neo-Assyrische administratie op municipaal, provinciaal en centraal niveau ten tijde van de dynastie der Sargonieden (722 - 610 bc ).
Deakin, Michael A. B..
The Primary Sources for the Life and Work of Hypatia of Alexandria (History of Mathematics Paper 63).
Debbo, Nicola Jane.
The role of the women in the frescoes from Akrotiri : an examination of the iconography of dress, hairstyle and jewellery.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Deblauwe, Francis.
Der Golfkrieg, das Kulturerbe des Irak und der Kampf der Wissenschaft gegen die Antike-Kunsthandel-Lobby in den USA.
DieUniversitaet-online.at. Zeitung der Universität Wien - Online (Austria), online,
Deblauwe, Francis.
The Iraq War & Archaeology: An Archaeos, Inc., Documentation and Information Project.
Deblauwe, Francis.
Melee at the museum: International whodunit lingers over looting of Iraq's National Museum in Baghdad.
National Catholic Reporter.
Deblauwe, Francis.
Online-Dokumentations-Projekt zur Kulturgüter-Situation im Irak nun am Server der Universität Wien.
DieUniversitaet-online.at. Zeitung der Universität Wien - Online (Austria), online,
Deblauwe, Francis.
Operation Iraqi Freedom und Danach: Das archäologische Erbe des Irak und der Kampf der Wissenschaft gegen die internationale Kunsthandel-Lobby.
Forum Archaeologiae. Zeitschrift für klassische Archäologie,
Deblauwe, Francis.
Plundering the Past: The Rape of Iraq’s National Museum.
Archaeology Odyssey.
Deblauwe, Francis.
"Preserving the past from the vandals of history. Review of: STEALING HISTORY: TOMB RAIDERS, SMUGGLERS, AND THE LOOTING OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. By Roger Atwood. St. Martin’s Press, 337 pages, $25.95".
National Catholic Reporter.
(Book Review)
Deblauwe, Francis.
"Space Speaks Volumes: Quantifying Spatial Characteristics of 3rd Millennium B.C. Houses at Tell Melebiya, Syria".
DeCaen, Vincent Joseph John.
A Concise Linguistic e-Introduction to Classical Hebrew.
Decker, Rodney J..
"Review of A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature".
Journal of Biblical Studies,
(Book Review)
DeConick, April D.
"April D. DeConick: Isla Carroll and Percy E. Turner Professor of Biblical Studies, Rice University".
(Press Release)
DeCoursey, Christina.
The Society of Antiquaries, 1830-1870: institution, intellectual questions, community, and the search for the past.
Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes,
Dee, James H.
"Review of: Benjamin Isaac, The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004. Pp. xiv, 563. ISBN 0-691-11691-1. $45.00".
Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
(Book Review)
Deeb, Mary-Jane; Albin, Michael; Haley, Alan.
"The Library of Congress and the Cultural Property Office of the US Department of State Mission To Baghdad Report on the National Library and the House of Manuscripts, October 27-November 3, 2003".
Deegan, Marilyn.
Imaging Ancient Documents: A Symposium (Summary Report).
CSAD Newsletter,
Deimel (editor), Antonius.
Enuma elis; sive, Epos babylonicum de creatione mundi in usum scholae.
Deimel, A.
Liste der archaischen Keilschriftzeichen.
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI): Tools and Sundries.
Deimel, Anton; Panara, Remeo; Patsch, Joseph; Schneider, Nicholaus.
Pantheon babylonicum: nomina deorum e textibus cuneiformibus excerpta et ordine alphabetico distributa.
Deist, Ferdinand E..
"Review of Theory and method in biblical and cuneiform law. Revision, interpolation and development.".
Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages,
(Book Review)
Del Casal Aretxabaleta, María Begoña.
Plantas Para La Eternidad.
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena.
Delaporte, Louis.
Catalogue des cylindres, cachets et pierres gravees de style oriental. I. Fouilles et Missions.
Delaporte, Louis.
Catalogue des cylindres, cachets et pierres gravees de style oriental. II. Acquisitions.