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ABZU Search Results (2787)
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GNOMON ONLINE: Eichstätter Informationssystem für die Klassische Altertumswissenschaft.
The Goodspeed New Testament Manuscript Collection.
The University of Chicago Library Digital Collections,
The Greek Bible in the Graeco-Roman World: Evaluating the Greek Bible as a source for Jewish interpretation of the political, social and intellectual culture of the Hellenistic world (continuing into the early Roman Empire)..
Guidelines for Contributors to Publications of the German Archaeological Institute.
The HACIMUSALAR Project : A Multidisciplinary Archaeological Project in Southwestern Turkey.
Harvard Expedition to Samaria, 1908–1910.
Harvard University Library, Open Collections Program, * Expeditions and discoveries.
Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens einschließlich der Ostraka usw., der lateinischen Texte, sowie der entsprechenden Urkunden aus benachbarten Regionen.
Hellenic Society for Law and Archaeology - Ελληνική Εταιρία Δικαίου Αρχαιοτήτων.
Hispania Epigraphica Online Database: Roman Inscriptions from the Iberian Peninsula.
IFEA Online: Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes / French Institute of antolian Studies / Fransiz Anadolu Arastirmalari Enstitüsü.
Impero Romano d'Oriente 330-1453 la sua storia: Il portale della bizantinistica in Italia.
An Index to Classical Dissertations and Theses in Progress or Recently Completed in North America and Great Britain.
Industrial Minerals in Antiquity in the Aegean: The ‘earths’ of the classical sources as well as miltos, stypteria (alumen), sulphur (theion) and other materials..
Inscriptiones-l (a.k.a.the Epigraphy list) is a scholarly discussion forum for those people with a professional interest in Greek and Latin epigraphy.
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property [ICCROM].
International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums (ICOM- CIDOC) / Le Comité international pour la documentation du Conseil international des musées (ICOM-CIDOC).
Introduction to the FACET Social Modeling Framework.
Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems (MASS),
The Iraq National Museum - المتحف الوطني العراقي.
IraqCrisis: A moderated list for communicating substantive information on cultural property damaged, destroyed or lost from Libraries and Museums in Iraq during and after the war in April 2003, and on the worldwide response to the crisis..