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ABZU Search Results (9942)

The Kelsey On-Line. University of Michigan. (Website) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line. University of Michigan. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line Exhibitions. University of Michigan. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line Galleries. University of Michigan. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line: Exhibitions. The Kelsey On-Line. (Museum) [more]
The Kelsey On-Line: The Galleries. The Kelsey On-Line. (Museum) [more]
Kenan Tepe 2000 Small Finds: A Preliminary Report. Moseman, Eleanor. UTAR: Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project. (Article) [more]
Kenan Tepe 2001 Small Finds Analysis. Moseman, Eleanor. UTAR: Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project. (Article) [more]
KERKENES DAG: 2004-2005 Oriental Institute Annual Report. Branting, Scott. Oriental Institute 2004-2005 Annual Report, 2005. (Article) [more]
Kerkenes Special Studies 1: Sculpture and Inscriptions from the Monumental Entrance to the Palatial Complex at Kerkenes Dag, Turkey. Draycott, Catherine M.; Summers, Geoffrey D., with contribution by Claude Brixhe and Turkish summary translated by G. Bike Yazıcıoğlu. 2007. (Book) [more]
Kerry M. Muhlestein, Ph.D. Muhlestein, Kerry M. (Website) [more]
Kevorkian and Institute of Fine Arts Host Conference on Computers and Egyptology. Goelet, Ogden. Connect: COMPUTING AND THE HUMANITIES, 1996. (Article) [more]
Keys to the Gate Beautiful (Acts 3:1-10). Strelan, Rick. Journal of Biblical Studies, 2001. (Article) [more]
Kfar HaHoresh. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem -- Institute of Archaeology. (Website) [more]
Khorsabad, Part 2: The Citadel and the Town. Loud, Gordon, and Charles B. Altman. 1938. (Book) [more]
Khouenoukh, un nomarque originaire de la Résidence. Selve, Valérie. Thotweb, 1999. (Article) [more]
THE KHUFU BOAT PROJECT. Institute of Egyptology, Waseda Univeristy. 25 January 2000. (Website) [more]
Kilise Tepe : Collection home page. DSpace at Cambridge > Archaeology >. [more]
Kindsmord und Wahnsinn: Untersuchungen zur Überlieferung mordender Eltern in der Antike. Hesse, Katrin. Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft, 2006. (Book) [more]
King and Priest in the Book of Chronicles and the Duality of Qumran Messianism. Schniedewind, William M. Journal of Jewish Studies. (Article) [more]
"King by Love of Inanna - An Image of Female Empowerment?". Westenholz, Joan G. Westenholz, Joan Goodnick (2000) King by Love of Inanna - an image of female empowerment? In: Nin - Journal of Gender Studies in Antiquity. Published by Styx, Netherlands and edited by J.M. Asher-Greve, A. Kuhrt, J.G. Westenholz and M. S. Whiting, Volume 1, 2000, Thematic Issue on the Goddess Inanna. (Chapter) [more]
King Herod''s Name Found. Bridges for Peace. Bridges for Peace. (Article) [more]
Kish Collection. 2007. (Website) [more]
Klassiki kai ellenistiki Kriti / Classical and Hellenistic Crete. Chaniotis, Angelos. N.M. Panagiotakis (ed.), Kriti: Istoria kai Politismos (Kreta: Geschichte und Kultur), Herakleion 1987, S. 173-284, 2008. (Article) [more]
Kleine Beiträge zu kretischen Inschriften. Chaniotis, Angelos. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 62, 1986, 193-197, 2008. (Article) [more]
Kleinplastik der Ägypter. Fechheimer, Hedwig. (Book) [more]
kleitablet - cuneiform tablet. Laboratorium voor Conservatie & Materiaalkennis, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. (Article) [more]
Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Horry, Ruth;Radner, Karen; Robson, Eleanor; Tinney, Steve (and others). 2007. (Website) [more]
Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire: Google Earth and Google Sky content (KMZ files). Horry, Ruth;Radner, Karen; Robson, Eleanor; Tinney, Steve (and others). 2007. (Website) [more]
Knowledge Management in the Perseus Digital Library. Rydberg-Cox, Jeffrey A., Robert F. Chavez, David A. Smith, Anne Mahoney, Gregory R. Crane. Ariadne, 2000. (Article) [more]
Known and Unkown Kings of Ethiopia. Reisner, G. A.. BMFA, 1918. (Article) [more]
Kochrezepte auf Papyrus. Hagedorn, Dieter. HeiDok, 2003. (Website) [more]
Kom el-Hisn Monograph Project. Wenke, Robert J.; Cagle, Anthony J. (Website) [more]
Kommagene: Watchful Stones. Sahin, Sencer. (Website) [more]
Kommos: an excavation on the south coast of Crete. Betancourt, Philip P.; Watrous, Livingston V.; Shaw, Joseph W.; Shaw, Maria C. 1990. (Book) [more]
Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln. Košak, Silvin. 2006. (Website) [more]
Konkordanz der hethitischen Texte. Kosak, Silvin. 2006. (Book) [more]
Konzepte vom Tod und dem Toten im pharaonischen Ägypten - Notizen zum Grab des Pennut (Teil II).. Fitzenreiter, Martin. Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie: IBAES 1 - Die Aegyptische Mumie - ein Phaenomen der Kulturgeschichte. (Article) [more]
Kretische Inschriften. Chaniotis, Angelos. Tekmeria 1, 1995, S. 15-36, 2008. (Article) [more]
Kristina Killgrove, PhD. Killgrove, Kristina. (Website) [more]
Krt 111-114 (I iii 7-10): Gatherers of Wood and Drawers of Water. Clines, David J. A.. On the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays 1967-1998, 1998. (Article) [more]
Ktesias 'korrigiert' Herodot. Zur literarischent Einschätzung der Persika. Bichler, Reinhold. To be published in: Festschrift für Gerhard Dobesch, Wien, 2004. (Article) [more]
Kubaba. 2005. (Website) [more]
Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Sttlements: Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age. Davis-Kimball, Jeannine; Eileen M. Murphy; Ludmila Koryakova; Leonid T. Yablonksy, Editors. 2000. (Book) [more]
Kushite buildings at Kawa. Welsby, Derek. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Kuwait Info Page. Mohammed, Anwar. (Website) [more]
KV 55's Lost Objects: Where Are They Today?. Miller, William Max. (Website) [more]
KV5. The Theban Mapping Project. (Website) [more]
L’Architecture militaire à Hattusa. Dargery, Vincent. Haluka. (Article) [more]
L’eau dans la religion hittite.. Mazoyer, Michel. Haluka, 1997. (Article) [more]
L''aventure de l''écriture. Bibliothèque Nationale de France: Le réseau pédagogique de la BnF. (Website) [more]
L''egypte: images de la fin du xixe siecle. Centre de Compétence Thématique (aka Service Informatique et Recherches en Archéologie [SIRA]). (Website) [more]
L'Asie Mineur e aux époque archaïque et classique. Konuk, Koray. Sous-presse dans C. Alfaro, A. Burnett et al. (éd.), A Survey of Numismatic Research (1996-2001) (Madrid, 2003). (Article) [more]
L'égyptologie en France. Moret, Alexandre. From: La Revue de Paris, seizième année, tome 6, pp. 329-343 (1909). (Article) [more]
L'Eredità cananea di Gerusalemme. Keel, Othmar. Archaeogate. (Article) [more]
L'évolution sémantique des termes hébreux et araméens pehah et segan et accadiens pahatu et shaknu. Petitm Thierry. Journal of biblical literature 107/1 (1988) 53-67. (Article) [more]
L'évolution sémantique des termes hébreux et araméens pehah et segan et accadiens pahatu et shaknu. Petit, Thierry. Journal of biblical literature 107/1 (1988) 53-67. (Article) [more]
L'histoire de l'empire achéménide aujourd'hui : l'historien et ses documents (commentaire de l'auteur). Briant, Pierre. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Year 1999, Volume , Issue 5. (Article) [more]
l'Homme. Persée, le portail de revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales. (Journal) [more]
L'Osiris Antinoos. Grenier, Jean-Claude. 2008. (Book) [more]
La 'mémoire' du déluge dans l'Orient ancien. Anthonioz, Stéphanie. Camenulae. (Article) [more]
La ambientación en la Cleopatra de Rider Haggard. Molinero Polo, Miguel Ángel. ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica. (Article) [more]
LA APORTACIÓN ORIENTALIZANTE EN LA NECRÓPOLIS Y HÁBITAT DE HUELVA. Garrido Roiz, Juan Pedro. Sapanu. Publicaciones en Internet II (1998). (Article) [more]
La base de données expérimentale Mertens-Pack3. Marganne, Marie-Hélène; Renard, Denis. 2001. (Website) [more]
La Bibbia ebraica come fonte di storia dell'ideologia. Moro, Caterina. Atti della seconda giornata di studio sulla teologia politica (Roma, 30giugno 2003), ed. by Gaetano Lettieri, in press, 2005. (Article) [more]
La cartografía egipcia del Más Allá en los libros funerarios del Reino Medio. Molinero Polo, Miguel Ángel. ISIS : Boletin Español de Investigación Egiptológica. (Article) [more]