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ABZU Search Results (369)

Ritner, Robert K. Reading the Coffin of Meresamun. (Article) [more]
Rosati, Gloria. "Neoegyptian Garden Ornaments in Florence during the 19th Century". ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
Rosmorduc, Serge. Ancient Egypt. (Website) [more]
Roth, Silke. Queen. UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, 2009. (Article) [more]
Routledge, Carolyn Diane. Ancient Egyptian ritual practice : ir-_ht and nt-t. Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes, [2002]. (Book) [more]
The Royal Ontario Museum. Ancient Egyptian Quiz. (Museum) [more]
The Royal Ontario Museum. QuickTime VR Movie of the Ancient Egypt Gallery. (Museum) [more]
Russell, John Malcolm. W3180 - Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt. [more]
Rutherford, Patricia. The Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis in Modern and Ancient Tissues by Means of Immunocytochemistry. Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena. [more]
Salib, Philip. Orthopaedic and Traumatic Skeleton Lesions in Ancient Egyptians. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, vol. 44 B, no.4 (November 1962), pp. 944-947. (Article) [more]
Scalf, Foy; Jay, Jacqueline. Accounting for Life in Ptolemaic and Roman Thebes: Online Access to Ancient Archives. Oriental Institute News & Notes, 2009 -. (Article) [more]
Scalf, Foy; Jay, Jacqueline. Oriental Institute Demotic Ostraca Online (O.I.D.O.O.). 2009 -. (Website) [more]
Schott, Siegfried. Translated By Elizabeth B. Hauser. Wall Scenes from the Mortuary Chapel of the Mayor Paser at Medinet Habu. 1957. (Book) [more]
Schramm, Sandra. "Egypt and the Archaeology of the Disenfranchised". ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
Schweitzer, Simon D. Index der Titelbestandteile zu Dilwyn Jones: An Index of Ancient Egyptian Titles, Epithets and Phrases of the Old Kingdom. Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft, 2006. (Article) [more]
Serafy, Sam. "Egypt in Hollywood: pharaohs in the fifties". ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
Shaw, Sandra. Life in Ancient Egypt. Healing Arts Magazine, 1996. (Article) [more]
Singer, Itamar. The failed reforms of Akhenaten and Muwatalli. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Smith, Mark. Democratization of the Afterlife. UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, 2009. (Article) [more]
Smith, W. S.. The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt. BMFA, 1958. (Article) [more]
Spencer, A. J. The possible existence of Third Intermediate Period elite tombs at el-Ashmunein. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Spencer, Jeffrey. The Subsidiary Temple of Nekhtnebef at Tell el-Balamun. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Stadnikow, Sergei. Die Bedeutung des Alten Orients für deutsches Denken: Skizzen aus dem Zeitraum 1871-1945. Propylaeum-DOK: Publikationsplatform Altertumswissenschaft. (Article) [more]
Sterling, Sarah. Mortality Profiles as Indicators of Slowed Reproductive Rates: Evidence from Ancient Egypt. Journal of Archaeological Science, 1999. (Article) [more]
Strudwick, Nigel. Editorial. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Strudwick, Nigel. Editorial. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Strudwick, Nigel. Editorial. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Strudwick, Nigel. Editorial. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Strudwick, Nigel. Editorial. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Strudwick, Nigel. Electronic publishing: the example of BMSAES. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Sundstedt, Veronica; Chalmers, Alan; Martinez, Philippe. High Fidelity Reconstruction of the Ancient Egyptian Temple of Kalabsha. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Computer graphics, virtual reality, visualisation and interaction in Africa (AFRIGRAPH '04), Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 3-5, 2004, pp. 107-113, ACM SIGGRAPH, November 2004. (Book) [more]
Sürenhagen, Dietrich. Forerunners of the Hattusili-Ramesses treaty. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Swerdlow, N. M. Otto E. Neugebauer, May 26, 1899 — February 19, 1990. National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs. (Article) [more]
Teeter, Emily; Johnson, Janet H. [editors]. The Life of Meresamun: A Temple Singer in Ancient Egypt. 2009. (Book) [more]
Thompson, Thomas L.. "Purveyor-General to the Hieroglyphics": Sir William Gell and the development of Egyptology. ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Article) [more]
Uphill, Eric. "The Ancient Egyptian View of Time and World History". ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
Uphill, Eric P. Egyptian Towns and Cities. 1988. (Book) [more]
van den Berg, Hans. The Ancient Egyptian Film Site. (Website) [more]
van den Berg, Hans. Restoring ancient Egyptian artifacts... by computer. 1995-1999. (Article) [more]
van den Berg, Hans and Strudwick, Nigel. The Trumpet of Tutankhamun. (Website) [more]
Vasilijevic, Vera. "Egypt in education in Yugoslavia". ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
Verhoogt, Arthur [and others]. Diversity in the Desert: Daily Life in Greek and Roman Egypt (332 B.C. - 641 C.E.). An Exhibit from the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection, 2008. (Website) [more]
Wångstedt, Sten V. Sechs demotische Ostraka und eine Mumienetikette aus der Sammlung des Victoriamuseums zu Uppsala. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - BOREAS, 1984. (Article) [more]
Welsby, Derek. Kushite buildings at Kawa. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]
Welsh, Frances. "Egyptanizing Motifs in Meroitic Culture". ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
Wengrow, David. "Landscapes of Knowledge: archaeology, anthropology and colonialism in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan". ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT, 2000. (Presentation) [more]
Wilkinson, John Gardner, Sir, 1797-1875. A popular account of the ancient Egyptians, volume I. 2005. (Book) [more]
Wilkinson, John Gardner, Sir, 1797-1875. A popular account of the ancient Egyptians, volume II. 2005. (Book) [more]
Zink, Albert R.; Christian J. Haas, Udo Reischl, Ulrike Szeimes, Andreas G. Nerlich. Molecular analysis of skeletal tuberculosis in an ancient Egyptian population. From: J. Med. Microbiol. -- Vol. 50 (2001), 355-366. (Article) [more]
Zink, Albert R.; Christophe Sola, Udo Reischl, Waltraud Grabner, Nalin Rastogi, Hans Wolf, Andreas G. Nerlich. Characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNAs from Egyptian Mummies by Spoligotyping. From: Journal of Clinical Microbiology, January 2003, Vol. 41, No. 1, p. 359-367. (Article) [more]
Zivie, Alain. Le messager royal egyptien Pirikhnawa. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES). (Article) [more]