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ABZU Search Results (2787)
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The Centre for Prehistoric Studies [CCSP]: International Institute for Prehistoric Art.
CFEETK – Centre Franco-Égyptien d'Étude des Temples de Karnak CSA / USR 3172 du CNRS.
Changing the Center of Gravity: Transforming Classical Studies Through Cyberinfrastructure, University of Kentucky, 5 October 2007: Audio Cast.
Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies at the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
Classical Literature for Christian Research: Classical Documents for Christian Research: Classical Literature and Biblical parallels.
Coins from ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine periods.
ATLA Cooperative Digital Resources Collection,
Corpus of Ancient Mesopotamian Scholarship (CAMS).
The Cuneiform Digital Library,
2007 -.
The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI): List of standard abbreviations for Assyriology.
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
Cuneiform Digital Library: free online resources about the Ancient Near East from the dawn of writing to the end of cuneiform.
Current archaeology in Turkey / Türkiye'de Yapılan Arkeolojik Araştırmaları.
Das Digitale Schott-Archiv (DSA): Altägyptische Monumente und Antiken in Photographien des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts.
Department of the Languages and Cultures of Near and Middle East: Faculty of Languages and Cultures.
Desheret: Welcome to desheret.org The world's most complete museum guide and gallery archive of ancient Egypt.
2006 -.
Digging Digitally: Archaeology, data sharing, digitally enabled research and education.
The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land - Global Moments in the Levant.