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ABZU Search Results (2787)
(No Author)
Jerf el Ahmar: Un village aux origines de l'agriculture dans la vallée Moyen-Euphrate.
The Johns Hopkins/University of Amsterdam Joint Expedition to Tell Umm el-Marra, Syria.
The Kazakl'i-yatkan wall paintings.
Karakalpak-Australian Expedition to Chorasmia,
Kom Firin, Egypt. The Safwat el-Mokadem project: Reports submitted to the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities.
2002 -.
Laboratorio di Assiriologia: Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche del Mondo Antico, Università degli Studi di Pisa.
Lantern Slides of Classical antiquity: A CSA Project in Cooperation with Bryn Mawr College.
Las tablillas de El Amarna en el Vorderasiatisches Museum de Berlín.
SAPANU: Publicaciones en Internet del Laboratorio de Hermeneumatica,
Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC): Bildlexikon der Antiken Mythologie: Forschungsstelle der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Arbeitsgruppen in Heidelberg und Würzburg: Ergänzungsbibliographie zu den LIMC-Bänden I-VIII.
Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs Online Catalog: Abdul-Hamid II Collection.
Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs Online Catalog: Matson (G. Eric and Edith) Negatives.
The Ludwig Rosenberger Collection of Judaica: A Selection.
Catalogue of an exhibition in the Department of Special Collections, the University of Chicago Library, March - May 1976.
The Mallakastra Regional Archaeological Project (MRAP) / Projekti Arkeologjik i Rajonit Mallakastër.
Margins of writing, origins of cultures: Unofficial writing in the ancient Near East and beyond. Oriental Institute Conference, February 25-26, 2005, 1155 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL. Organizer: Seth L. Sanders.
The Melammu Project: The Intellectual Heritage of Assyria and Babylonia in East and West.
Middle East Environment: Providing references and discussion on selected Middle Eastern environmental issues.
Middle East Librarians Committee (The European Association of Middle East Librarians) [MELCOM].
Missione archeologica italiana a Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna (Siria) / The Italian Expedition at Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna (Syria).